Friday, January 13, 2012

This is my last blog on this site. My webmaster has created a blog that is user friendly if you want to leave a comment or ask a question.  I hope to have video upload very soon to teach lessons on line.  check it out and leave your email so you will be contacted when new posts are available.  The new site is my web page    save it on your favorites.  Let me know how you like the new site.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Step out of that rut

More and more machines carry an assortment of decorative stitches.  These stitches can change the look of domestic machine quilting, applique, embellishment or binding.  A great idea is to take a fabric sandwich, two pieces of fabric sandwiched around a piece of batting, and stitch rows of various stitches to see what your machine can accomadate for you.  Now, adjust the width selector and do another row.  Do you notice how that may change your stitches?  Now fool around with the length dial, again you will see a change.  These stitches can be used to give your quilt your own sense of style, you don't have to get stuck in the rut of a straight or zig zag stitch.  When you applique, try a decorative stitch other than satin or blanket stitch.  You will be amazed at the wonders you can accomplish.  It is your quilt, don't be afraid to try something new for you. Once you are comfortable with the stitches, try different weight threads. If you have additional ideas on stitches, be sure to post it in the comments so we can share it with others.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy 2012

I feel as though I just welcomed 2011, time flies when your quilting.  So many things to prepare for in 2012.  I have three classes scheduled on thursdays in January.  I am hoping to schedule a trunk show with a well known area artist once I have my classes organized.  Sign up quickly, classes will be canceled if there is low interest.

Quilters Anonymous January Schedule

It’s a Block Party, come and join us as we create a block a month.  At the end of the year you will have a beautiful quilt. Starting January 12, 7pm to 9 pm, $25. Monthly fee for class plus materials and book (Victory Quilts by Eleanor Burns)

Beginner quilting

Come learn all the basics of quilting from choosing your fabrics to sewing your binding.  $25.  Plus cost of supplies and book. Books used “Your First Quilt Book, (or it should be). Class Begins January 19, 7pm to 9pm 


Come and sew on a project that you need to finish.  Kelly will be available to help with any problems or questions that arise.  January 26, 6:30 to 9:00pm, $25 fee
Limited space.  Call to reserve your spot today 393-6262 if there is enough interest, day classes will be available as well