Saturday, December 17, 2011

great treat idea for the holidays

Today as I was baking cookies, I thought a great idea would be to make lots of square and triangle shaped cookies, different sizes too.  Then when you decorate them frost all the small squares one color, all the small triangles another color, all small squares another color.  Large squares one color, large triangles another color, and so on.  Then when you arrange them on the plate, arrange them in the pattern of a quilt.
I think this is a fun idea, I don't know if anyone else ever thought of it, but I'm sharing it with you.  I think we will call it tasty quilt cookies.  post photos on my blog if you do this.

Thanks for participating in the question every day. I'd love to thank you by name but I only have your web name.  so today s question is  on the fifth day of christmas my true love sent to me
____________ _________________ __________

four calling birds, three french hens, two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree.

One week  til christmas, are you done with your shopping?  If not, what do you have left?
tell me about your favorite christmas tradition.
thought I would post my 4 generation photo.  My daughter Amy and her daughter Gabby,
my mother, me and my grand daughter audrey.  ( also Amy's daughter)
It's not often that you can capture this kind of photo.



    Going to church on Christmas Eve has always been a tradition in my family!

  2. We spend the early afternoon at my mothers house, then we head to candlelight church service and finally we have an open house with family and friends. Good food, Great company . Celebrating the most inportant Birthday of all.
