The count down is nearly done, Christmas eve is upon us. Where did 2011 go? I have all my children back home and the house is abuzz with excitement. Time to put away the quilting and spend time with loved ones. Take time to remember past Christmas when loved ones who are no longer with us left their imprints on our hearts.
Before we open gifts, we like to read the christmas story to everyone. We sit around a room and give thanks for God's Only Son, Our Lord and Savior. Even if you have pain and suffering this Christmas, you can still find something to be thankful for. Would post a special Christmas memory? I would love to hear it.
Therese, you are so funny. I think we should get together and rewrite the 12 days of christmas... what do you think? we will post it on the 26th. but for now,
On the eleveth day of christmas my true love sent to me
___________ __________ _____________
Ten Lords a Leaping, Nine Ladies Dancing, eight maids a milking, seven swans a swimming,
six geese a laying,
Five Golden Rings
four calling birds, three french hens, two turtle doves
and a partridge in a pear tree.
Now lets get posting, I really want to hear from you.
Eleven Pipers Piping, but it really should be Eleven scissors snipping :-)