Sunday, December 11, 2011

Commenting 101

It has come to my attention that many of you have been unable to post to my blog.  Here is a crash course.  you will post your comment, under the comment box is a text that says comment as and there is a box with a drop down arrow. the drop down arrow has live journel, wordpress,typepad, aim, open id, and google as choices.  You need to have an account with one of these and sign in, in order to post on my blog.  then press post comment after you have signed in.  Also, you can go down below my profile and join my blog, just press join blog and you will get all the updates and info as they come out.  Did you know I give private lessons in my lake home for a very reasonable rate?  I have projects you can purchased already kit up?  and you will find out about future group classes as well as helpful hints and ideas.  Join now!  there is no fee to join my blog and no obligation.  Have a great day, and leave a comment so I know that you followed the directions.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for posting directions. I couldn't have joined without your help. Donna K
